Author: nationalpoint

By Ken Meju photo by Pulse.ngTheyhad the crumbs given to them by slay kings instead of the crunch. A morsel waspresented to them in lieu of bread to keep them hungry while abundance smilesaway into the pockets of the bourgeois to keep them fat and satisfy their soul.They savour with relish the caste system they willfully created that is repletewith deceit and lies against the masses.Thiscow of Bashan has negated the social contract between them and the commonersand consequently, eat up the grasses and trample underfoot; the remnant withutmost disregard. The food of the lot is looted by a few.The…

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By Ubong OkorieFake drugs or a counterfeit drug is defined as any substandard drug that may contain toxic dose of dangerous ingredients that can cause mass poisoning (According to World Health Organization).This poor quality medicine compromises the treatment of chronic and infectiondiseases leading to disease progression, drug resistance and death of whichwomen are more vulnerable because of the population ratio, medical needs inobstetrics and gynecological problems. Counterfeit medicine may be contaminatedor contain the wrong or no active ingredients. It could have the activeingredients but at a wrong dose. This is harmful to health.The major causes of proliferation fake drugs in…

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lduozee Paul, Benin Correspondent The much talked about Trailers Transit Park located in Utekon community along the by-pass which forms part of the ECOWAS international Trade route, beginning from Abidjan to Lagos, Ore, Benin then diverting in Lokoja to Abuja and the northern part of Nigeria, has eventually kicked off. The project which is an initiative of the Nigerian Shippers Council on behalf of the federal government, in partnership with the Edo State government, witnessed the bush clearing ceremony. This signaled the handing over of the site to the government appointed contractors, Purple View Limited and Cybersource Limited for bush…

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By Ken MejuKen Saro-WiwaA day of dialogue in memory of late iconic environmental activist, Ken Saro-Wiwa tagged, “Conversation With Ken Saro-Wiwa” was hosted Thursday April 25 by Mother and Earth Health Foundation, HOMEF in Port Harcourt.According to theorganizer, Nnimmo Bassey, “the aim ofthe intellectual event which held at 12Isiokpo St, D/Line, Port Harcourt was, “to examine the thoughts of greatthinkers according to Ken, “using them as a mirror to know if we are moving inthe right direction, ” noting,“We have lost the sense of social organizing andneed to put things aright. It was the young ones that liberated Africa fromcolonialism.The…

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By Iduozee Paul, BeninCorrespondent Edo state chapter of Accord Party, yesterday, said the party has finalized plans to beg Mega comrade Clement Eranomigho Edegbe to contest Edo state governorship elections in 2020.Chairman of the party, Joseph Osa Omorogbe, said this on the official welcoming of Mega Comrade Clement Eranomigho Edegbe into the party in Benin city in Edo state. He said though Edegbe hasnot indicated his interest to throw in the towel into the 2020 governorshipelection in the state but they are compared by his humanitarian exploits acrossthe globe and that the party believes he has the same ability to transform theeconomy…

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ByKenneth MejuA call has been made for the voices of women who arevictims of violence and atrocities to be heard so that they can be helped togain justice.Miss Iyingi Irimagha,programme officer of Gender Action, GADA, Port Harcourt made the call whiledelivering a presentation at a training organized by the West African Networkfor Peace, Rivers State chapter for CSOs and journalists on, Friday May 31,2019. She said it is important that the voice of affectedwomen should be amplified to help them attain justice as they are the mostvulnerable and violated in the society.Introducing the participants to the United NationsSecurity Council Resolution…

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7 PROPHETIC POWER POINTS1.VICTORYOVER INJUSTICE.There isgoing to be victory over injustice thisseason..Nigeria will no longer suffer the rape of innocence. 2.THECOVENANT OF PEACEThussaith the lord, don’t listen to the rumors of war over the nation. Don’t mindthe war mongers and the war lords who have scheme to devour your land …I havecut a covenant of peace with my saints..there shall be no shaking for the forrighteous….But there is a great shaking from heaven coming upon the wicked,they shall be taken away …Isaiah 54:103.THESLAYING ANOINTINGThussaith The David phenomenon is unleashed already in your cloud. just like in1Samuel 17. Nogiants will slay my…

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1. IkeEkweremadu is the longest-serving presiding officer in the history of theNational Assembly (NA) having served at the Deputy Senate President for 12Consecutive Years.2. Only 2 lawmakers has featured in all NA assembly Inauguration since the return of civil rule and the 4th Republic in 1999 till date. They are Sen. Ahmed Lawan and Hon. Nicholas Ebomo Mutu. They are both serving their 6th terms in the NA with their inauguration today.3. Hon.Nicholas Ebomo Mutu representing Bomadi/Patani Federal Constituency, Deltastate is the longest and highest serving Federal Lawmaker of the Green Chamberof the NA. He is on a 6th term.4.…

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ABIOLA’S LETTER TO GANI FAWEHINMI ( written on 05/07/98 and given to Lola Edewor & Bisi, Abiola’s 3rd wife during their visit to Abiola 2 days before he was killed). – “l am not a deserter”,Mydear Gani,Praisebe to God for your life and the courage, fortitude and determination with whichHe endowed you. May we live long to be of service to each other in thecontribution we make to the development, peace and justice/fairplay in Nigeriaand beyond. The ” Express ” story is a hoax. True, both Anan andAnyaoku(apparently working together, although I saw them separately), wanted me tosign a statement…

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By Christopher Oji The peopleof Ubulu-Uku, a predominantly farming community in Aniocha South LocalGovernment Area (LGA) of Delta State, have raised the alarmover herdsmen’s siege on the area and other neighbouring communities,including Onicha-Ugbo and Isele-Uku, in Aniocha North LGA.Thepeople of Ubulu-Uku and its environs under attack from gunmen alleged to beFulani herdsmen, have cried out for urgent intervention, saying they need theprotection of the police, other security agencies and government attention ingeneral.In thepast two weeks alone, suspected herdsmen have shot dead an illustriousson of Ubulu-Uku, Mr. ChikweOjinji, while the medical directorof Goodnews Hospital, Isele-Uku, Dr. Andrew Odozi, a native of Onicha-Ugbo, wasalso murdered by gunmen suspected to be herdsmen.Dr.Odozi…

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