ALaw of Ekiti State House of Assembly, Ogun State House of Assembly, Osun StateHouse of Assembly, Oyo State House of Assembly, Ondo State House of Assemblyand Lagos State House of Assembly for the holding of a Referendum on theproposal to Federate Ekiti State with Ogun State, Osun State, Oyo State,Ondo State and Lagos State and constitute same into Oduduwa Region of WesternNigeria, within the Federation of Nigeria.
1. Onthe 8th Day of August 2019, a Referendum shall be held inEkiti State, Ogun State, Osun State, Oyo State, Ondo State and Lagos State ofNigeria on:
(i) Whetherthe Governments of Ekiti, Ogun, Osun, Oyo, Ondo and Lagos States shouldnegotiate with each other with a view to forming a FEDERATION of STATES to beknown as the ODUDUWA REGION OF WESTERN NIGERIA and (ii) whether thesaid REGION should negotiate with the Government of Nigeria and the remaining30 states or any group of states that have also agreed toFederate and the administration of the Federal Capital Territory toachieve AUTONOMY/SELF-DETERMINATIONfor the said REGION within aFederation of Nigerian Constituent Units.(ANNEXURE)
2. Thequestions or propositions to be voted on in the Referendum and formof the ballot paper to be used for that purpose are to be in the form set outin the schedule herein contained.
3. Thoseentitled to vote in the Referendum are the persons who, on the dateof the Referendum, would be entitled to vote as electors at a localgovernment election in the electoral area/ward of the State in which theyreside and/or carry out business.
4.TheGovernor of Each State shall appoint a Chief Electoral Officer who shallappoint an electoral officer for each Local Government Area.
5. EachLocal Government Electoral Officer shall (a) Conduct the counting of votes castin the area under his/her authority in accordance with any directions given bythe Chief Electoral Officer and (b) Certify the number of ballot paperscounted by him/her and the number of votes cast for each question/proposition.
6. TheChief Electoral Officer must certify:
(a) Thetotal number of ballot papers counted for the whole of Each State and (b) thetotal number of votes cast for each proposition/question for the whole of theState.
7. Theresult of the Referendum shall constitute the entire position of thepeople of Ogun State, Oyo State, Osun State, Ekiti State, Ondo State and LagosState (WESTERN/ODUDUWA REGION OF NIGERIA).
8. Inthe event of a YES vote on the Referendum, the Governors of eachState shall appoint members into aConstitutional Council of Western/OduduwaRegion.
9. The ConstitutionalCouncil of Western/Oduduwa Region shall include not more than twelve (12)other members chosen at random throughout the Region and four (4) members fromKwara and Kogi States.
10.The ConstitutionalCouncil of Western/Oduduwa Region shall be vested with powers to presentand represent the views of Western/Oduduwa Region and negotiate on behalf ofthe Western/Oduduwa Region with all the agencies of the Nigerian Government andnon-Governmental organizations involved in the process.
B: Theshort title of this Law is “Referendum Law of Ekiti State, OndoState, Osun State, Oyo State, Ogun State and Lagos State”.
FORMOF BALLOT PAPER: Ekiti State House of Assembly, Ondo State House ofAssembly, Osun State House of Assembly, Oyo State House of Assembly, Ogun StateHouse of Assembly and Lagos State House of Assembly, have decided to consultthe People of Each State on this 8th Day of August,2019 on the proposal to Federate the Government of Ogun State,the Government of Osun State, the Government of Oyo State, the Government ofEkiti State, the Government of Ondo State and the Government of Lagos Statewith a view to constituting a REGION of Western Nigeria within aFederation of Nigeria.
THUMBPRINTin the box containing: (YES)
1. IAGREE that the Governments of Ekiti State, OndoState, Oyo State, Osun State, Ogun State and Lagos State shouldnegotiate with each other with a view to forming a FEDERATION ofSTATES to be known as the ODUDUWA REGION OF WESTERN NIGERIA whichshall negotiate with the Yoruba persons in Kwara andKogi States, whether they want to be part of the ODUDUWA REGION ornot; shall further negotiate with the Government of Nigeria and theremaining 30 states and the administration of the Federal Capital Territory toachieve AUTONOMY/SELF-DETERMINATION for the said REGION within aFederation of Nigeria.
2. IDO NOT AGREE that the Governments of Ekiti State, OndoState, Oyo State, Osun State, Ogun State and Lagos State shouldnegotiate with each other with a view to forming a FEDERATION ofSTATES to be known as the ODUDUWA REGION OF WESTERNNIGERIA which shall negotiate with the Yoruba in Kwara and KogiStates as to whether they want to be part of the ODUDUWA REGION ornot, and further negotiate with the Government of Nigeria and theremaining 30 states and the administration of the Federal Capital Territory toachieve AUTONOMY/SELF-DETERMINATION for the said REGION within a Federationof Nigeria.