Ladies and gentlemen, I must confess, I am excited to be in your midst today. Pushing through the great hurdles created by the hijackers of the contraption called Nigeria last year to enter into another new year is no doubt a feat worthy of celebration. I hope you enjoyed your holidays. As for me, it was great fun; they thought they would succeed in killing our joy of yuletide and cross over, but they failed. They even thought we all would be trapped in the muds of 2023, but again, they failed woefully. Here we are, hale, hearty and happy. I give God all the glory.
Yes oo, comrade moderator, pushing through the heaps of thorny OBSTACLES that littered the path to this New Year really calls for a survival party. I thank GOD that 2023 has eventually been chased away into the dustbin of history. I am happy I participated in using condemned tyres and tubes to burn and roast 2023 and all its wiles away while welcoming the New Year with 24 canon salutes. . That better-to-be forgotten year brought untold hardship, suffering and suffocation on the masses of this country. People literally saw hell. The year 2023 inflicted so much pains and agonies on the masses. I wonder the crimes we collectively committed against 2023 that it treated us so badly. I …
Hold on a bit Sir, and sorry for interrupting you. If I understand you well, are you trying to say that 2023 brought pains and untold suffering on the masses of this society? Like seriously?
Yes, of course!!! Or have you forgotten so soon what 2023 did to many Nigerians? It was a year of hunger, starvation, hardship, extreme poverty, tears, hopelessness, helplessness, suicide. Oh, suicide. I remember that many jumped into the Lagoon because they could not bear the suffering anymore. Some exchanged their children for some food items; some drank rat poisons. Even our government, as insensitive as it is known to be, was touched by the plights 2023 brought to citizens to the extent that they magnanimously came to the aid of the suffering masses by providing palliatives in form of cash, food items and even free transport schemes. Our governments may be bad, but they treated us better than the way 2023 treated us. It is too …
Helloooo! Are you the one talking or is any emilokan Bat spirit talking through you? Please stop; your words are biting and blocking my ears. You are just sounding like a slave who loves his chains and his master.
How do you mean? If I may ask? Or are you feeling hurt because I am saying the truth? I understand that the truth is not only bitter, but hurts.
I beg your pardon. It is obvious we have to change the theme of this conversation. Imagine the despicable things you are voicing against the year of the Lord, while on the other hand trying to paint that demonic Bat in golden colours. By the way, what truth have you uttered? That your insensitive junta (not government, please) was moved by the suffocating plights of the masses to rush to their rescue with palliatives? No, brother, the junta did not bring palliatives, they only brought palliathieves. Yes, they stole and shared billions among themselves in the guise of lightening the heavy burdens of hardship the masses faced. As a matter of fact, the only truth you said you were recognizing, though passively, that the junta was, sorry, is insensitive to the suffocating plights of citizens. All the jabs against the year of the Lord, 2023 are all advertisements of ignorance and backward thinking as well as a failed attempt to shift the blame of the cause of the predicaments away from the right causes. The year 2023 did not bring hardship and suffering to the masses of this contraption; the INSENSITIVE junta did.
Eem eeemm emmmm, but all those unbearable conditions were witnessed in 2023 or were they not?
Yes, of course, they were. But that did not make 2023 to be the manufacturer of the predicaments. As a matter of fact, the year started well, with the hope that the killer junta headed by the brainless one, Mr. Bullhari was about to end. Hope was rekindled as citizens showed determination to end the scourge and chase the broom carrying bandits posing as political leaders out of the arena. Things were working out well until suddenly, the BAT from a dark coven showed up, cast a powerful spell into the atmosphere, and reset the hope of citizens. Bat forged his way to power, after which he started injecting lethal poisons into the economy in the name of policies. He started with the unreasonable hike in the prices of petroleum products, followed by electricity, health, education, taxes, dollars, naira, and so on. These automatically led to the collapse of the economy with attendant hike in general price level.
But they said their policies were meant to strengthen the economy and make it to rub shoulders with other advanced economies like Britain, USA, Germany and China, among others. As for the fuel prices, they only removed subsidies that crooks were using as avenues to drain national treasuries.
Oh yes, that is what they said. And people like you hailed them with sounds of trumpets. We have seen how strong the economy has become. A bag of rice is now N50,000 and above. A loaf of bread that used to sell for N100 is now over N1400.
Hello, one cup of garri is now about N200. The prices of everything have gone out of the reach of the masses. Yes, the economy is growing, using the blood of citizens to grow. By the way, did I hear you say that fuel subsidy was an avenue for crooks to drain public treasuries? I beg to reserve my comments. The dilemma here is that when those crooks were draining the economy through subsidies, the fuel prices were within the reach of citizens. Petrol for instance, was below N100 per litre while kerosene was about N50 and Nigerians were happy and were breathing well. Now that subsidy has been removed, petrol is climbing to about N1000 per litre and the citizens are suffocating.
Hmmmmm! I think they said we should tighten our belts and be patient. Those that endure to the end will …
Oh, can you keep that to yourself? I think that something is really wrong with many. That is why people have continued to tolerate and swallow all the rubbish being dished out by this junta. Buuulaaaba baluubuu; blubla blaaabubu. There seems to be a natural mystic blowing in the air.
Why are you reciting emilokan language or are you speaking in tongues? By the way, what concerns blu ba blaa bu language with natural mystique? Blu bla belongs to turn-by-turn-children, whereas natural mystique reminds us of Bob Marley.
Honestly, I don’t know; but I remember Bob Marley, the reggae king. He once saw natural mystic blowing in the air. Today, I am seeing a similar thing. And I tell you, if Nigerians don’t wake up and shake off the spell holding them down, the experiences of 2023 will be a child’s play compared to what the evil bats and their bandits have in stock for them in 2024. Now, hear Bob Marley in that his natural mystic hit: “Many more will have to suffer, many more will have to die, don’t ask me why”.
But we have held many prayers, held special programmes and made positive declarations for the new year to be a good and prosperous year. And we have faith that it shall be well with us. Some have envisioned it to be a year of milk and honey; of bliss and blush; a year of breakthroughs and unstoppable progress; a year of hitting the top. Why are you sounding like a prophet of doom.?
Oh, for sure, there is nothing wrong or bad about being positive and optimistic. However, there are situations when optimism and positive declarations alone are not enough. Don’t forget that at the beginning of 2023, such declarations were made. But how far? How did it end? Well, it may interest you to know that faith without work hardly works. My prayer is that GOD will deliver us from the NATURAL MYSTIQUE BLOWN INTO THE AIR.
Ameeeeen; So, what works are we expected to do?
My dear, we have to wake up, stand up for our rights, stand up for what is right, resist the demons, take bulls or bats by their heads and chase these crazy baldheads out of the system. If we continue to swallow their lethal pills the way we did in 2023, we can just tell the end from the beginning of the year. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
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