Bishop Usoro, Chaplaincy Officer -
The newly ordained manof God, Pastor Sedo Samuel Udoikot on May 19, 2019 at The Apostolic ChurchNigeria, FCT Field Abuja, Orominike Miracle Area, Restoration District,Restoration Assembly, Umuebellu, Rivers State, was all happiness andappreciation to God for manifold blessings upon his life and family.
According to him, “What the Lord has done for me is so marvelous”. He said in one year in the divine vineyard, God has really manifested himself in his family which is why he could not hold back the testimony but come and return thanks to God Almighty.
Pastor Sedo Samuel isalso an officer of the African Chaplaincy, and was accompanied by members of theAfrican Chaplaincy including the Chaplain Major General, Gen. Utip Willie Ido whocame all the way from Abuja. The chaplains mounted a parade to add colour tothe event.
Church members, familymembers, in-laws, friends and well-wishers were also present to celebrate with thepastor. National Point’s Gift Jonahcaptured the moments in pix.