By Gift E. Jonah
TheApostolic Church, Nigeria, F.C.T. Field hosted the inauguration and Inductionof Port Harcourt Metropolitan Areas on Sunday March 17, 2019 at the MissionaryArea Headquarters, 19c Orogbum Street, Rumukalagbor, Port Harcourt.
Apostle(Dr.) J. A. Buzu, F.C.T. Field Superintendent and other field executive councilmembers in the persons of Apostle (Dr.) M. S. Udoh, deputy field superintendent,Apostle S. A. Brown, field secretary and other pastors came from Abuja, toconduct the inauguration/Induction as well the ordination of pastors fromdifferent districts/areas.
Theinauguration of the Port Harcourt Metropolitan and the induction of the newPort Harcourt Metropolitan chairman, Apostle E. Ekpenyong was conducted by thefield superintendent, Apostle (Dr.) A. Buzu supported by the Field CouncilMembers alongside the ordination of eight pastors in the Areas-, Pastor I. A. Ekarika, Pst. B. M. Johnson,Pst. V. E. Osuyak, Pst. G. E. Obong, Pst. M. E. Hillary, Pst. S. U. Udoh, Pst.Sedo S. Udoikot and Pst. J. J. Akpan.
Inhis address at the special occasion, the chairman Inauguration committee,Apostle M. I. Ebohmien, explained:
“OnSeptember 26, 2010, the three Areas in Port Harcourt viz, Great Elekiaha ,Missionary and Abuloma Areas came together to form the Port HarcourtMetropolitan Areas under the supervision and chairmanship of Apostle E. E.Udoh, deputized by Apostle (Prof.) E. N. Eyidie as Apostle B. N. Etimcompetently held the office of a secretary.
“TheMetropolitan continues to wax stronger and stronger which increased inDistricts and Assemblies in their respective Areas by the leadership of theaforementioned and in conjunction with the Holy Spirit. Within five years oftogetherness the Metropolitan experienced a little breakdown as a result of thebreakout of Great Elekiaha Area, which paved the way for the creation ofOrominike (Miracle) Area.
“Withthe exit of Great Elekiaha Area, Abuloma Area emerged the new Port HarcourtMetropolitan Headquarters on the 27th January, 2015, as Apostle(Prof.) E.N. Eyidie, Abuloma Area Superintendent became the new chairman.
Thethree Areas were inaugurated thus: Abuloma Area, 13th June, 2010,Missionary Area, 20th June, 2010, Orominike (Miracle) Area, 2nd September,2018.
“Therefore,the Port Harcourt Metropolitan Areas continue to work together despite theirchallenges, having three years of Easter combined services together in peaceand unity.
ThroughGod’s divine arrangement, the patriarch of our time, the F.C.T. field superintendentApostle (Dr.) J.A. Buzu officially announced in a field convention on November 2017,the move of Port Harcourt Metropolitan Headquarters from Abuloma Area toMissionary Area Headquarters as an amiable, broadminded in administrativeskills, a great teacher and a visionary leader, in the person of Apostle/DeaconessK.E. Ekpenyong, was transferred to Missionary Area as the area superintendent/PortHarcourt Metropolitan chairman. In this one year, his high level profile,selfless service has unequivocally radiated beyond the shores of Port HarcourtMetropolitan Areas.
Andas a touch bearer, his light will lead others to climb the rugged steep of lifeto find and cling to the Lord and the redeemer of mankind”
Heprayed that the new head “will overcome all obstacles of life, so as to leadthe Port Harcourt Metropolitan to a greater height”.
Theoccasion was very colourful and remarkable.