Hello,God bless you. Today we resume our page on a deeper understanding of thekingdom words as a guide to a fulfilled life. Our Host is a man with a deeppassion for bringing back lost souls to the Lord, Bishop Moses Sogunle, generaloverseer of Breakthrough Church International Worldwide, BCCI.
Understandingthe divine principles leads to success in both your kingdom and earthly life.Everybody wants a breakthrough but many do not know how to get this. Today, Iwill take you through the 30 Laws of breakthrough. It is the desire of God thatwe all experience exceeding success and today’s focus if followed, can take youthere.
A good teacher informs, a great teacher innovates, agreater teacher inspires and, the greatest empowers. Get ready for empowerment.
There is no breakthrough without the strategy of theHoly Spirit.
There is no success without a secret and there is nopossibility without responsibility (Isaiah 54:2-3, Matt. 13: 11) Get ready fora breakthrough!
The first law of mega breakthrough is the Law of Vision.In the school of breakthrough until you have a vision, you cannot talk future;it is your vision that determines your future.
The law of vision states that what you see is whatyou get, if you see nothing you will get nothing, but if you see something youwill also get something.
If you can see your breakthrough, you will surelyget it, what you never see will never come to you.(Gen. 13: 14-15) your visionis what determines your future.
What you do not see, you can never seize!
What you do not picture, you can never caption!
Your dream is your destiny!
I saw a video clip of Donald Trump where he picturedhimself as a president, and guess what, on January 20, 2017, itcrystallized.Donald Trump became the 45th president of the USA.
What about the dream of Martin Luther King thatushered in the 44th president of the USA, Barack Obama, the 1stblack man in the White House.
Dare to dream!Every breakthrough begins with adream.
Gen.37:9. Joseph had a dream and it came to pass
Gen.42:1I declare that your dream will come true.
Don’t leave your life chances; those who leave theirlife chances have no chance in life. It is time to climb a corporate ladder. Allthat you need is a vision;whatever is not your vision can never be yourportion.
No one has a capacity to achieve what he has notconceived!You can achieve in life; what you heart cannot conceive, but whateveryour mind can conceive and believe, you can definitely achieve.
Success depends on the navigator. Your vision iswhat navigates your destiny the place of breakthrough. You cannot move beyondwhere you are until you see beyond where you are!
Martin Luther King Jr. said something I will neverforget. he said “A man is not fit to live, if he has no purpose for living orif he has nothing for which he can die”.
The question nowis, what is your vision?
What is your dream? I mean what exactly do you whatdo you see?
The second law of mega breakthrough is the law ofdifference. The law of Difference states that you can never make a differenceuntil you know the difference, and you can never make a difference until youdare to be different.
My charge for you today is to dare to be different.
Joseph was totally different from his brothers. Hisbrothers were schemers and gamers, but they never went far (Gen.37:2) Hisbrothers were doing evil but he never joined them.
There is no shortcut to breakthrough, every shortcutin life leads to a short life.
Analogy: Corns and cock the crook… you will not dieyoung. You can never stand out until you step out!
Step out of Gangsterism .
Step out of Occultism
Step out of Lesbianism
Step out Homosexuality.
Step out of Fornication.
Step out of Adultery.
Step out of Bribery and Corruption.
Step out of Robbery and Kidnapping.
Step out of that dangerous gang right now before thedevil gang cuts out your destiny.Lay down your weapon and embrace your destinyuntil you step out.
You can never stand out! You can never standout!! You can never stand out.
Job became the richest man in his own generationwhen he decoded to shun all the evil practices of his days (Job 1:1-3).
You can never make a difference, until you dare tobe different!It’s time to step out the norms and the low level living.
Break out of the norms, challenge that status Quo.Comeout of your comfort zone.
There are two kinds of people in cosmos.
A thermometer is an instrument for measuringtemperatures ( how to know hot and cold), while a thermostat is an instrumentthat sometimes change temperature.
The thermometer is those who conform to the norms of the society,
While thermostats are those who transform thesociety, I called them the agents of change.
You are not called the conform to society,you havebeen called to transform society refuse to conform to the generic code, be anagent of change , be inspired to change your world, Daze your world and to bedifferent, why would you die a photocopy, when you are created on original. Refuseto be cloned or brainwashed, those who aspire to be like everybody end up asnobodies.
Don’t go with the wrong flow, don’t blend the wrongRhythms, those who go with the crowed, get lost in the crowed.
When you lose identity, you bury your originality.
no matter how pretty risky it seems, don’t be afraidto step out, even if you have to stand all alone it is better to be alone thanto be lost in the wrong frequency.
(step out to stand out) you are the light of theworld, a city that is set on in hill that cannot be hidden . Matt.5:4
listen, you are a global potential going worldwideto happen. you are a container, carrying a content for all continents.
I prophesy to you right now that as you make up yourmind to step up out of every appearance of evil and all social vices , youshall stand out in life , even if you are a drop out, you shall move from dropout to stand out!
THELAW OF CELEBRATION: the third of mega breakthrough is thelaw of celebration.
The law of celebration says, celebrate and don’thate. what you hate runs away from you, and what you celebrate comes to you.
The brother of Joseph hated the good dreams ofJoseph and lost their own opportunities for good life.
Don’t hate celebration, haters are losers,celebrants are celebrities!
What you hate, you can never take,and you can onlytake what you celebrate.
I had a similar experience when I just bought myland cruiser jeep, Iwent to Iriebe community with it in River State, andeveryone there was celebrating with me, but a particular young man began tocurse and hiss, saying is this a car or nonsense, is he the first person toride a gig car, big car my foot, I hate it.the lord spoke to me, immediatelynot to respond to him that he can neverhave that kind of big car in hislifetime, the lord went further to say “don’t lose your call , even when allthe fools doubt your proofs. if you don’t celebrate greatness , good thingswill be far away from you.
if you don’t avoid jealousy, you will never testedprosperity.
the spirit of jealousy reduced the brethren ofJoseph totally to a point of irrelevance. They were all reduced to nothing andcaped in the background.
Why do you find pleasure in criticizing the successof others? why are you like this? Whatis the matter with you?
If it is not you that is doing it, it is nothing toyou criticizes who gave you that critical assignment?
If you don’t fight your critical spirit, it willreduce you to nonentity.
jealous is a product of distortions, there isnothing that is as dangerous as a distorted vision.
the number one cause factor of distorted vision isremoving your eyes from your own set goals and began to eyes someone elsebreakthrough, at that point you lose your focus and if you lose your focalpoint, you will never reach your turningpoint. To live without a focus, is to live like locust!
I pray for restoration of focus in your life!Focusis the technology for speed.
I release you into the wavelength of shine speed. Youshall recover all your lost ground in the mighty name of Jesus.
Receive grace to celebrate the achievement of others. I curse the root of that spirit in youto die from the root.
The fourth law of Megabreakthrough is the law of Glory! Withouta touch of glory on your life, you will die a story teller. In case you don’tknow people are tired of your story.
One touch of glory changes everybody; God will turnyour story to glory today.Moses cried for an encounter with Gods glory (Exodus 33:13-18).God will show you his glory today
Glory is divine presence (Exodus 33:13-18).
Divine presence is what makes all the difference inour journey towards destiny that is why I keep telling people that how far youfollow God will determine your distance in life.
Listen to me, there is a room for you on top but toget there, you must give priority to your relationship with God. If you dreamis to break forth on all side you must learn to maintain divine presence inyour life.
This was the secret of Joseph; greatness (Gen.39:2).
No matter what you lose in life or ministry, if youhave not lost God’s presence, you have not lost anything! Joseph lost so manythings but God’s presence kept lifting him. My charge for you here is never tolose God’s presence.
No matter who walks out of your life, God should neverwalk out. If you really want to stand out you must do your possible best tokeep God’s presence.
Saul lost God’s presence but he never recovered fromthe shocking shock until he was reduced to six feet under the ground.
I pray for you that the journey of your life willnot end like the story of Saul. (1Sam.16:1).
Let no man take the place of God in your lifebecause no man can do for you, only God can do.
Do not look up to man to the point that you loseyour place in God. God is all that you need to have all your needs met (Phil.4:19).
I always laugh when I see people over-emphasizing onhuman connection. In the name of human connection many of them here havesuffered destiny disconnection today (Jer.17:5-6).
If you could seek God the way you seek humanconnections and money, your story could have changed long ago. Divineconnection is the master key to success and breakthrough (Jer.17:7-9).
Never take God for granted. Those who take God forgranted will forever be grounded.
When I was in America a lot of things went wrongthere that I couldn’t placed my finger on it until the Billy Graham daughter shed light on the matter.
Jane Clayson asked her on a recent interview, howGod could let something like this happen? (regarding the attacks on September11).
Anne Graham gave an extremely profound andinsightful response.
She said, ‘I believed God is deeply saddened by thisjust as we are, but for your years we’ve been telling God to get out of ourschools, to get out of our government and get out of our lives. And being thegentleman he is, I believe he has calmly backed out. How can we expect God togive us his blessing and his protection if we demand he leave us alone?”
In light of recent events, terrorists attacks,school shootings, etc.I think it started when Madeleine Murray (she wasmurdered, her body found recently) complained she didn’t want prayer in ourschools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the bible in school.The bible said ‘thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal’ and ‘love yourneighbor as yourself’ and we said Ok.
Then Dr Benjamin spoke. He said we shouldn’t spankour children when they misbehave because their little personalities would bewarped and we might damage their self esteem (Dr. Spock’s son committedsuicide).
We said an expert should know what he is talkingabout, and we said Ok. Now we are asking ourselves why our children have noconscience,why they don’t know right from wrong and why it doesn’t bother themto kill strangers, their classmates and themselves. Probably, if we think aboutit long and enough we can figure it out.
I think it has a great deal to do with, “We reapwhat we sow”. Funny how simple it is, for people to thrash God and then, wonder why the world is going to hell.
So, step out and capture your dream, your essence,the purpose for which God sent you here. Be God oriented, good Luck!