It was moments of unbounded joy and double celebrations for the parish priest of Christ The King Catholic Church (King’s Palace), Sangana Street, Mile 1 Diobu, Port Harcourt, Very Rev. Dr. MSGR Charles Chikeze Agu, as he marked the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination and 76th birthday celebration recently.
The glorious event which held at the auditorium of the CKC on Saturday, November 4, 2023, pulled together innumerable personalities from all walks of life, spanning religion, politics, business academic and traditional institutions.
Also in attendance were more than 50 priests from various parishes, reverend fathers and sisters, Catholic members of the Catholic Men Organisation (CMO), Catholic Women Organization (CWO), Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), societies and organization as well as representatives from other parishes, relatives from his Obite-Etche hometown, friends and well-wishers.
Procession to the alter by the priests at exactly 10am, signaled the commencement of the celebration mass, with the choristers and congregation rendering sonorous renditions of praise, worship and prayers thereafter.

The First reading taken from the book of Isaiah, was read by the Master of Ceremony, Professor Bridget Nwanze, while the Second reading was drawn from 1st Thessalonian 35 and Luke 10:17 – 24.
Speaking during the mass, the celebrant, very Rev. Dr. MSGR Charles Chikeze Agu, noted with excitement his journey to priesthood. He recounted some of his challenges, saying it has not been easy, but that with God, he was able to make it, and gave all the glory to God.
He also recalled with nostalgia that some of his colleagues who started the race together with him are no more and prayed God for the peaceful repose of their souls. He thanked the bishop of Port Harcourt Diocese, his Auxiby, fellow monsignors, priests and all the faithful for all they have been to him.
In his goodwill message, to the celebrant, the bishop of Port Harcourt Diocese, Most Rev. Dr. Camillus Etokudo, described Msgr. Agu as a first among equals, who has done a lot to see to the realization of the proposed Diocesan Stella Maris University.
The bishop congratulated the celebrant on his golden jubilee anniversary, and his 76th birthday, assuring that the diocese will continue to provide him with the support to enable him realize his good ambition, and also serve the people of God in the diocese and beyond.
Anchoring his homily on the day’s readings, the homilist, Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Dedua urged the congregation to always pray without ceasing and to serve God with all their hearts as the celebrant did.
Fr. Dedua described Very Rev. Charles Agu as a man after the heart of God, who had in the past 50 years, committed himself to the service of God.
He further described Monsignor Agu as, “a genius, courageous, patient man of peaceful disposition, a dedicated servant of God, educationist, teacher, rector of all rectors, formator, a great pillar of the Catholic Church, and a priest of good example and leadership,” adding that Charles Agu is not insulated from suffering as a priest, hence he is beyond definition.
Fr. Dedua, prayed God to strengthen the celebrant, protect and grant him more life to continue to do His work.
In his biography read by Rev. Fr. Donatus-Ukulo, he noted that, Very Rev. Monsignor Charles Chikeze Agu was born like any other person in Obite, 76 years ago. He passed through the traditional upbringing of his parents, though they died early. In 1960, Agu came out of primary school with distinction. Still going on, he passed through the Seminary, and cleared his seven (7) papers in the London GCE in flying colours.
“ Having finished secondary school, the First Bishop of Port Harcourt Diocese, Bishop Okeye picked him up to teach mathematics in the minor seminary in Port Harcourt. He also passed through the prestigious Frist Major Seminary in the West African sub-region – Bigard Memorial Seminary and also came out in flying colours.
Very Rev. Charles Chikeze Agu was ordained in 1973, and in 1974, he was sent to the university in Rome, where he made first class distinction. He returned home and was posted to Sacred Heart Parish, and after one year, was sent to Germany where he finished his PhD, and published his Thesis in Germany. Monsignor Charles Agu’s book has been translated into many other languages today.
Monsignor Agu writes and speaks very fluently Italian, German, Dutch, French, English and many other languages.
Very Rev. Monsignor Charles Agu has worked tireleslys and courageously in the vineyard of God, preaching, teaching and promoting God’s work and indeed, in return enjoys the blessings, favour and grace of God.
A parishioner from St Francis Catholic Church, Rumuokwuta, Port Harcoirt, Chief Mrs Bridget Duru described the celebrant as a living saint who is touching lives in many ways.
Said she: “Monsignor Charles Cikezie Agu is a living saint. He has touched many lives here in Rivers State and beyond. He speaks many languages fluently-Igbo, he was educated in Emekuku, French, Italian, German, Dutch, he served in those places.
“He is a good father to all parishioners and has served in many parishes in the state-St Francis, Rector Sacred Heart Seminary for many years, parish priest of Holy Family, Woji, Our Lady of Victory. He is a man of the people. He attends every burial. He was at Umutanze for the burial of my husband and at Awo-Mmanma at my mother’s burial and he will be the first to arrive; punctual, no matter where.
“I havn’t seen any person like him. He listens, solves marital problems among parishioners and even though a priest, carries out humanitarian works helping the poor, underground.
“I lack words to describe this man that knows the names of parents of the over 2000 seminary students while at Sacred Heart Seminary; he is a genus”.